Browsing by Author "Acar, Sevil"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
The carbon footprint of countries' production and imports: An Environmental Kuznets Curve approach
Asıcı, Ahmet Atıl; Acar, Sevil (Editions L Harmattan, 2017)As unveiled by the literature that examines environmental quality along with economic development, growth is expected to bear different environmental consequences at different levels of income per capita. The widely-known ... -
Convergence of carbon dioxide emissions: A review of the literature
Pettersson, Friedrik; Maddison, David J.; Acar, Sevil; Söderholm, Patrik (Now Publishers Inc, 2013)The objective of this paper is to review previous research on convergence of carbon dioxide emissions among countries. We discuss the key findings in this work, how the choices of model, data, statistical tests, etc. ... -
Convergence of CO2 emissions and economic growth in the OECD countries: Did the type of fuel matter?
Acar, Sevil; Lindmark, Magnus (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2017)This study analyzes convergence in CO2 emissions in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries with respect to the source of emissions (oil vs. coal). The investigated period 1973-2010 is ... -
Convergence of per capita carbon dioxide emissions: Implications and meta-analysis
Acar, Sevil; Soderholm, Patrik; Brannlund, Runar (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018)There is a rich empirical literature testing whether per capita carbon dioxide emissions tend to converge over time and across countries. This article provides a meta-analysis of the results from this research, and discusses ... -
Does income growth relocate ecological footprint?
Aşıcı, Ahmet Atlı; Acar, Sevil (Elsevier Science Bv, 2016)The aim of this paper is to investigate whether countries tend to relocate their ecological footprint as they grow richer. The analysis is carried out for a panel of 116 countries by employing the production and import ... -
Environmental impacts of coal subsidies in Turkey: A general equilibrium analysis
Acar, Sevil; Yeldan, A. Erinç (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2016)In this study we aim at providing an analytical framework for Turkey to study the macroeconomics and environmental impacts of the existing coal subsidization scheme. To this end we develop a regionally differentiated applied ... -
The environmental Kuznets curve and the pasteur effect: Environmental costs in Sweden 1850-2000
Lindmark, Magnus; Acar, Sevil (Oxford Univ Press, 2014)The dynamics of environmental problems is among other things affected by knowledge and economic growth and the perception of welfare. In this article, we present a method for aggregating historically relevant environmental ... -
Fossil fuel subsidies as a lose-lose: Fiscal and environmental burdens in Turkey
Acar, Sevil; Challe, Sarah; Christopoulos, Stamatios; Christo, Giovanna (Cambridge Univ Press, 2018)Attempts at common agreements to phase out fossil fuel subsidies (FFS) have been increasing, as the topic generated momentum through the Rio Dialogues prior to the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development ... -
Generation failures, strategic withholding, and capacity payments in the Turkish electricity market
Durmaz, Tunç; Acar, Sevil; Kızılkaya, Simay (Elsevier Ltd, 2024)Since the deregulation of significant parts of electricity markets in many countries worldwide, a generally pronounced matter is that firms strategically lower their generating capacity to raise electricity prices. This ... -
How does environmental regulation affect production location of non-carbon ecological footprint?
Aşıcı, Ahmet Atıl; Acar, Sevil (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2018)The aim of the paper is to investigate how the location of non-carbon ecological footprint (home or abroad) changes along with environmental regulation. Ecological footprint measures the amount of biocapacity required to ... -
Investigating patterns of carbon convergence in an uneven economy: The case of Turkey
Acar, Sevil; Yeldan, A. Erinç (Elsevier Science Bv, 2018)Turkey is known to suffer from severe volatility in its growth patterns, as well as from the uneven sectoral growth and employment. Volatile rates of emissions across sectors are further manifestations of this uneven ... -
Nature and economic growth in Turkey: What does ecological footprint imply?
Acar, Sevil; Aşıcı, Ahmet Atıl (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017)This study investigates the income-environment relationship in Turkey by examining the components of the ecological footprint indicator within the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) framework. Using co-integration techniques ... -
Ocean acidification impacts in select Pacific Basin coral reef ecosystems
Lebrec, Marine; Stefanski, Stephanie F.; Gates, Ruth; Acar, Sevil; Golbuu, Yimmang; Claudel-Rusin, Astrid; Swarzenski, Peter W.; Paugam-Baudoin, Delphine; Rehdanz, Katrin; Tsunoda, Tomohiko (Elsevier B.V., 2019)In the vast tropical Pacific Basin islands, corals reef ecosystems are one of the defining marine habitats, critical for maintaining biodiversity and supporting highly productive fisheries. These reefs are also vital for ... -
Periods of converging carbon dioxide emissions from oil combustion in a pre-Kyoto context
Acar, Sevil; Lindmark, Magnus (Elsevier Science Bv, 2016)This paper examines convergence of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions caused by oil combustion for a panel of 86 countries considering the importance of analyzing sub-periods separately. The investigation also points at the ... -
Periods of converging carbon dioxide emissions from oil combustion: Evidence from a global sample and OECD countries
Acar, Sevil; Lindmark, Magnus (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2015)This paper examines convergence of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions caused by oil combustion for a panel of 86 countries considering the importance of analyzing sub-periods separately. The investigation also points at the ... -
Questioning Turkey's "miracle" growth from a sustainability perspective
Acar, Sevil; Gültekin-Karakaş, Derya (Sage Publications Inc, 2016)Over the last two decades, Turkey has enjoyed high rates of economic growth. This study uses "the adjusted net saving" approach to explore to what extent Turkey achieved this growth at the expense of rapid natural resource ... -
Sources of inequality in selected MENA countries
Acar, Sevil; Doğruel, Fatma (2012)The paper deals with income inequality in the selected MENA countries focusing on the dynamics of domestic wage differentiations. The main aim is to identify the sources of inequalities. GDP per capita, share of manufacturing ... -
Sustainability in the making? A historical estimate of swedish sustainable and unsustainable development 1850-2000
Lindmark, Magnus; Acar, Sevil (Elsevier, 2013)In this article we estimate the long-run development of genuine savings in Sweden during the period 1850 to 2000. By doing so we are able to present a first analysis of long-run sustainable development during a single ... -
Uncovering norway’s regional disparities with respect to natural riches
Acar, Sevil; Karahasan, Burhan Can (European Regional Science Association, 2015)This study investigates regional development differences in the natural resource-based activities that take place in Norway’s NUTS 3 regions. Norway’s natural riches range from agricultural and forest resources to fisheries, ...