Browsing by Author "Uçan, Osman Nuri"
Now showing items 1-20 of 292
2d map generation and path exploration based on lider system
Mohammed Abdulkareem Al Rawaf, Mustafa (Altınbaş Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2020)The implementation of self-navigation robots nowadays have become more and more challenging task especially when complex tasks are presented and while and paths to follow yet have more obstacles to avoid while each of which ... -
5 ghz wi-fi effects on escherıchıa colı, caenorhabdıtıs elegans and human neuroblastoma cells
Dinç, Bircan (Mugla Journal of Science and Technology, 2021)The use of 5 GHz Wi-Fi has spread and potential effects on microorganisms and human health are still under investigation. To investigate the possible effects for that, experiments were performed using three different ... -
5G technology implementation on process performance in production
Aladeeb, Waseem Khaleel Jalil (Altınbaş Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2022)It is expected that 5G technology would have a substantial monetary impact on the manufacturing industry. According to certain projections, manufacturing's share of GDP might rise to $740 billion by 2030. It is expected ... -
The ability of neural networks to solve biomedical image segmentation task
Ahmed, Zinah Abdullah (Altınbaş Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2020)Modern medical imaging techniques lead to the growth of image data being captured .It allows the investigation of dynamic processes in living cells, e.g., membrane dynamics, viral infection and gene transport. In all ... -
Accuracy enhancement of brain epilepsy detection by using of machine learning algorithms
Al-Dahhan, Rand Natiq; Uçan, Osman Nuri (Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2020)Data has gained vital role in science and engineering applications; the proper data analysis has made it possible to boost the economical worthiness of those applications. Machine learning tools are used to classify the ... -
Accuracy enhancement of brain epilepsy detection by using of machine learning algorithms
Al-Dahhan, Rand Natiq Neamah (Altınbaş Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2020)Data has gained vital role in science and engineering applications; the proper data analysis has made it possible to boost the economical worthiness of those applications. Machine learning tools are used to classify the ... -
Achieving optical fiber transmission of over 60 W of electrical power and optical data
Al-Hadeethi, Alaa Tareq; Uçan, Osman Nuri; Mohammed, Alaa Hamid (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023)For future mobile communication networks, optically powered remote antenna modules are shown with simultaneous transmission of over 60 watts of electric power and optical data over an optical fibre. As the temperature rises ... -
An adapting soft computing model for intrusion detection system
Alsaadi, Husam Ibrahiem Husain; ALmuttari, Rafah M.; Uçan, Osman Nuri; Bayat, Oğuz (Wiley, 2021)Network security in smart cities has become a key problem in the rapid development of computer networks over the past few years. Intrusion detection systems play a fundamental part in the integrity, confidentiality, and ... -
Adaptive video transmission over communication networks
Göse, Ersin; Uçan, Osman Nuri; Nafea, Ghaidq Nassr; Bayat, Oğuz (Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2019)This paper is to minimize video bitrate and keeping the high resolution video file manageable. This process is achieved by using new generation of Advanced Video Coders (AVC). Such process can be done at one level encoder ... -
Aes-turbo over rician and rayleigh fading channels
Albanna, Mustafa Rıyadh Ahmed (Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2019)Web yazışmasının bu gelişmiş dünyada geç olarak giderek daha temel olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır ve kullanılan önemli hesaplamalardan biri AES hesaplamasıdır. Her halükarda, müşterilerin büyük çoğunluğu, yazışma alanında, doğruluk ... -
AIoT in healthcare: a systematic mapping study
Ibrahim, Hadeel Tariq; Mazher, Wamidh Jalil; Uçan, Osman Nuri (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022)he Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are combined to create artificial intelligence of things (AIoT). AIoT in healthcare is a key factor in enabling physicians' offices ... -
An analysis of accessibility in learning management system in the context of higher education institution
Alsamaraı, Layth Hanı Mahdı (Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2019)The main outcomes of the research to define new stander as guidelines for disability usage for LMS in higher and further education institutions, this results enable website designer and programmer to support system disability ... -
Analysis of geospatial satellite images using deep learning
Almojahed, Ihab Hamid (Altınbaş Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2022)Computer Vision and is a critical approach. As a result of recent technical breakthroughs, researchers in remote sensing are becoming increasingly interested in machine learning, especially deep learning We utilized a ... -
Analysis of network security using cypher technique
Al-Zamili, Mohanad Ahmed Abdulrazzaq (Altınbaş Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2022)Cryptographic procedures, such as encryption algorithms and cryptanalysis tools, necessitate a thorough understanding of mathematics. It's been used for a long time to teach these cryptographic concepts through hands-on ... -
Anomaly-based intrusion detection systems using machine learning algorithm
Al-Juboori, Karrar Ali Awad (Altınbaş Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2023)The increasing number of cyber-attacks highlights the need for improved intrusion detection systems (IDS) that can detect and classify attacks accurately and efficiently. Machine learning (ML) techniques have been shown ... -
Artificial intelligence model for DDOS-detection
Braichat, Ali Mohammed Saadon (Altınbaş Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2023)This master’s study is guided at investigating and examining the beneficial contributions and crucial rationale of ML principles and intelligent DL algorithms in detecting cyber threats in organizations and network systems ... -
Artificial neural networks for electroencephalogram classification
Alkhafaji, Ali Mohsin Lateef (Altınbaş Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2021)Application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in the field of classification of neural network signals may help even non experts interpret the results and arrive to a diagnosis. in the world of machine learning, ... -
An automated convolutional neural network model for the detection of brain tumours using MRI images
Mahal, Rawaa Abaid Mahal (Altınbaş Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2023)Today, brain cancer is one of the most pressing public health concerns. A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cancerous or non-cancerous damaging cells in the brain. Brain tumors are a leading cause of death for many ... -
Automatic analysis and detection of malware behavior using machine learning for computer device
Alı, Abdullah Qassım (Altınbaş Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2020)Malicious software, known as malware, puts the protection of computers at major risk. Classic safety defenses are ineffective because of the number and variety of variants, and millions of hosts on the network are ... -
Automatic generation control using deep reinforcement learning
Saadı Abbas Abbas, Yaseen (Altınbaş Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2020)Bu tezde derin öğrenmeye dayalı derin pekiştirici öğrenme yöntemini kullanarak otomatik üretim kontrol sisteminin geliştirilmesi ve değerlendirilmesi. Bu araştırmanın, acil durum olaylarını değerlendirmek ve hafifletmek ...