Now showing items 1-10 of 33
Network intrusion detection using machine learning techniques
(Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2018)
Recently, it has become important to use advanced intrusion detection techniques to protect networks from the developing network attacks, which are becoming more complex and difficult to detect. For this reason, machine ...
Application area of classification techniques in medicine
(Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2018)
The health care industry produces a huge amount of data that collects complex patient and medical information. Data mining is popular in various fields of research because of its applications and methodologies to extract ...
Enhancing the process of AES : a lightweight cryptography algorithm AES for AD-HOC environments
Ad hoc networks have become more widespread and important because they support mobility and can be used in different situations and some difficult areas such as rescue missions, military, and vehicular communications. ...
Novel hybrid classification model for multi-class imbalanced lithology dataset
(Elsevier GmbH, 2022)
Deep learning methods and applications assist geologists in predicting and identifying lithologies in different surveys, hence lowering operational costs and uptime. This allows accurate data analysis and completion of ...
Multi-objective deep learning framework for COVID-19 dataset problems
Background: It has been reported that a deadly virus known as COVID-19 has arisen in China and has spread rapidly throughout the country. The globe was shattered, and a large number of people on the planet died. It quickly ...
Efficient energy and QoS based routing algorithm for wireless body area network
(IEEE, 2021)
—In this study, a Novel architecture comprising a
sink node is designed to minimize power consumption as well
as improve quality of service (QoS) of wireless body area
network (WBAN). Furthermore, in the quest to enhance ...
Electronic health records system using blockchain technology
(Special Issue on Current Trends in Management and Information Technology, 2021)
Blockchain technology is one of the most important and disruptive technologies in the world.
Nowadays the healthcare center needs to share patient databases over all departments of the
healthcare centers. Although, ...
Hybrid feature selection framework for the parkinson imbalanced dataset prediction problem
(MDPI, 2021)
Background and Objectives: Recently, many studies have focused on the early detection of
Parkinson’s disease (PD). This disease belongs to a group of neurological problems that immediately
affect brain cells and influence ...
Car-like robot path planning based on voronoi and Q-learning algorithms
(ICEET, 2021)
This paper discusses a differential path planning
issue for the mobile robot depending on Voronoi diagram (VD)
and Q-learning algorithms (QL). The issues with re-arranging
paths in a dynamic environment with obstructions ...
Davranışsal biyometrinin 5 yılı: Kimlik doğrulama ve anomali tespit uygulamaları
Mevcut biyometrik kullanıcı doğrulama teknikleri ikiye ayrılabilir: fizyolojik ve davranışsal yaklaşımlar. Fizyolojik biyometri, bir kişinin parmak izi, yüz, iris/retina ve el/avuç içi gibi fiziksel özellikleri ile ilişkili ...