Now showing items 1-10 of 3507
Effective integration of data mining techniques with business intelligence using web mining
(Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2019)
Web madenciliği, World Wide Web'i dönüştürüyor ve daha kullanışlı hale getiriyor kullanıcıların verimli bir şekilde bilgi edinebilecekleri ortam. Dünya web çok sayıda multimedya dosyası, metin belgesi, eğitim içeriği ve ...
Görüntü işleme tekniklerini kullanarak malign melanom tipi deri kanserinin incelenmesi
(Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2016)
Malign Melanom (MM) son derece ölümcül bir deri kanseri türüdür. Erken teşhis edilebilmesi durumunda cerrahi müdahele hasta ölümden kurtarılabildiğinden, MM'nin erken teşhisi kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Fakat kanser tanısında ...
Chemical gas concentration map building and source localization by a multi-robot system through whale optimization algorithm
(Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2017)
Bu çalışmada Balina Eniyileme Yöntemi (BEY)1 kullanılarak gezgin robotlarla bilinmeyen bir ortamda kimyasal gaz yoğunluğunun yüksek olduğu bölgenin tespiti yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla ilk önce BEY gezgin robot sistemleri için ...
Melanoma cancer analysis towards early detection using machine learning algorithms
(Amer Scientific Publishers, 2019)
In the recent years, computerized biomedical image and analysis are extremely promising and more interested and beneficial, it provides remarkable information and diagnoses of skin lesion. Melanoma distinguish one of lethal ...
Developing alfuzosin tablet formulation based on quality by design (QbD) approach by using artificial neural network
(Colegio Farmaceuticos Provincia De Buenos Aires, 2019)
The purpose of this study was to develop sustained release direct compressible alfuzosin (ALF) hydrochloride (HCl) tablet based on the concept of quality by design (QbD) approach using artificial neural network programs. ...
Hybrid flow shop scheduling with several users
(Int Inst Innovation, Industrial Engineering & Entrepreneurship, 2011)
Schedules have implications that are experienced collectively by a number of different persons with different responsibilities. It is, therefore, reasonable to make scheduling decisions in such a way that satisfies the ...
Packet scheduling and traffic differentiation in femtocell environment
(Ieice-Inst Electronics Information Communications Eng, 2011)
This paper proposes new scheduling algorithms for best effort (BE) traffic classification in business femtocell networks. The purpose of traffic classification is to provide differentiated services to BE users depending ...
Social, behavioural, familial and parenting variables in ADHD and ODD pre-school children
(Psychology Press, 2012)
[No abstract available]
Trust us: Reproducing the nation and the Scandinavian nationalist populist parties
(Wiley, 2019)
In Scandinavia, there is separation in the electorate between those who embrace diversity and those who wish for tighter bonds between people and nation. This book focuses on three nationalist populist parties in Scandinavia—the ...
EN-NEAT: Enhanced energy efficient threshold-based emergency data transmission routing protocol for wireless body area network
(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2019)
Wireless body area network (WBAN) is a network composed of tiny sensor nodes that can be placed on/in/around the body to measure physiological parameters in real time and transmit it through the Internet to a caregiver. ...