Now showing items 1-10 of 86
Impact of metaheuristic iteration on artificial neural network structure in medical data
(Mdpi, 2018)
Medical data classification is an important factor in improving diagnosis and treatment and can assist physicians in making decisions about serious diseases by collecting symptoms and medical analyses. In this work, hybrid ...
Application area of classification techniques in medicine
(Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2018)
The health care industry produces a huge amount of data that collects complex patient and medical information. Data mining is popular in various fields of research because of its applications and methodologies to extract ...
Pattern recognition using neural networks
(Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2020)
Due to its various applications, such as security systems, medical systems, entertainment, etc., face recognition has also been identified as one of the main research topics. The preferred method of human identification ...
Using data mining techniques to explore patterns of academic achievement effects for high school students
(Altınbaş Üniversitesi, 2020)
This research presents an applied study of the field of knowledge discovery of educational data using data mining techniques, focusing on the development of teaching and learning, by discovering the main patterns of testing ...
Detecting and classifying drug interaction using data mining techniques
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022)
Thousands of licensed drugs are now available to patients. The Warnings and Precautions section of a medication's label was created to identify and characterize severe or clinically significant adverse reactions and other ...
Deep transfer learning methods for classification colorectal cancer based on histology images
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2022)
Deep transfer learning is one of the common techniques used to classify different types of cancer. The goal of this research is to focus on and adopt a fast, accurate, suitable, and reliable for classification of colorectal ...
A novel feature to predict buggy changes in a software system
(Springer, 2021)
Researchers have successfully implemented machine learning classifiers to predict bugs in a change file for years. Change classification focuses on determining if a new software change is clean or buggy. In the literature, ...
Remapping regions: The role of socio socio-economic development indicators in the new incentive system of Turkey
Bu çalışma, 2002 yılında geliştirilen İstatistikî Bölge Birimleri
Sınıflandırması (İBBS) adlı sınıflandırma perspektifi çerçevesinde
şekillendirilen, Türkiye’nin 2010’lardaki yerelleşme politikasını
incelemekte; yeni ...
Evaluation of deep transfer learning methodologies on the COVID-19 radiographic chest images
(International Information and Engineering Technology Association, 2023)
In 2019, the world had been attacked with a severe situation by the new version of the SARSCOV- 2 virus, which is later called COVID-19. One can use artificial intelligence techniques to reduce time consumption and find ...
Observed shape detection from EEG time series
(ULAKBİM, 2021)
Brain computer interface studies required
recording of a physiological response of a subject to exhibit
relevant information. This extracted information can be
used to perform an action and the amount of the information
plays ...