WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu by Institution Author "Rahebi, Javad"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Blood vessel segmentation and extraction using H-minima method based on image processing techniques
Boubakar Khalifa Albargathe, Salma M.; Kamberli, Ersin; Kandemirli, Fatma; Rahebi, Javad (Springer, 2021)In this paper, the H-minima transform is used for blood vessel segmentation. The aim of this study is to get the high accuracy of blood vessel segmentation in retinal images. In this study the good result and good performance ... -
Cancer cell detection through histological nuclei images applying the hybrid combination of artificial bee colony and particle swarm optimization algorithms
Alsarori, Faozia Ali; Kaya, Hilal; Rahebi, Javad; Popescu, Daniela E.; Hemanth, D. Jude (Atlantis Press, 2020)Cancer is a fatal disease that is continuously growing in the developed countries. It is also considered as a main global human health problem. Based on several studies, which have been conducted so far, we found out that ... -
New auxiliary function with properties in nonsmooth global optimization for melanoma skin cancer segmentation
Masoud Abdulhamid, Idris A.; Sahiner, Ahmet; Rahebi, Javad (Hindawi Ltd, 2020)In this paper, an algorithm is introduced to solve the global optimization problem for melanoma skin cancer segmentation. The algorithm is based on the smoothing of an auxiliary function that is constructed using a known ... -
Power management controller for microgrid integration of hybrid PV/Fuel cell system based on artificial deep neural network
Nureddin, Abdulbaset Abdulhamed Mohamed; Rahebi, Javad; Ab-BelKhair, Adel (Hindawi Ltd, 2020)Nowadays, the power demand is increasing day by day due to the growth of the population and industries. The conventional power plant alone is incompetent to meet the consumer demand due to environmental concerns. In this ... -
A study of deep neural network controller-based power quality improvement of hybrid PV/Wind systems by using smart inverter
Ab-BelKhair, Adel; Rahebi, Javad; Abdulhamed Mohamed Nureddin, Abdulbaset (Hindawi Ltd, 2020)Presently, climate change and global warming are the most uncontrolled global challenges due to the extensive fossil fuel usage for power generation and transportation. Nowadays, most of the developed countries are ...