Browsing Meslek Yüksekokulları by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 94
Induction of collagenolytic MMP-8 and -9 tissue destruction cascade in mouth by head and neck cancer radiotherapy: a cohort study
(2023)The effect of head and neck cancer (HNC) radiotherapy (RT) on biomarkers is not known but there is a lot of potential for gaining more precise cancer treatments and less side effects. This cohort study investigated the ... -
Innovative fluorescent polymers in niosomal carriers: a novel approach to enhancing cancer therapy and imaging
(2024)Cancer is anticipated to become the pioneer reason of disease-related deaths worldwide in the next two decades, underscoring the urgent need for personalized and adaptive treatment strategies. These strategies are crucial ... -
Investigating changes in salivary microbiota due to dental treatment: A metagenomic analysis study for forensic purposes
(2022)The advent of next generation sequencing techniques as well as the existing traditional culture methods has enabled metagenomic studies on the usability of microbiomes for the forensic identification of individuals to gain ... -
Investigation of neurosphere activity of injectable 3D graphene bioink biomaterial
(2024)PurposeThe aim of this study includes the comparative examination of neurosphere formation by WJ-derived mesenchymal stem cells in both 2D media and 3D injectable graphene and graphene-free bioink systems in terms of both ... -
İkinci Dünya Savaşı Döneminde (1939-1945) Türkiye’de hemşirelik mesleğinin gelişiminin meclis bütçe görüşmeleri sırasında milletvekillerinin görüşleri üzerinden değerlendirilmesi
(2018)Bu araştırmanın amacı; İkinci Dünya Savaşı döneminde, Türkiye’de toplumu temsil eden milletvekillerinin kadın ve hemşire ile ilgili söylemleri üzerinden, toplumun hemşireye değer verip veremeyeceğinin belirlenmesidir. ... -
Kamu sorumluluğu ve sosyal hizmet perspektifinden çocukların çevrimiçi cinsel istismarı: Bir olgu sunumu
(2020)Günümüzde insanların vazgeçilmezleri arasında bulunan ve yaşamı kolaylaştıran internet çocukların da gündelik hayatına girmiştir. Ancak internetin çocuklar tarafından kontrolsüzce kullanılması birtakım sorunları da beraberinde ... -
Lipases for targeted industrial applications, focusing on the development of biotechnologically significant aspects: A comprehensive review of recent trends in protein engineering
(2024)Lipases are remarkable biocatalysts, adept at catalyzing the breakdown of diverse compounds into glycerol, fatty acids, and mono- and di-glycerides via hydrolysis. Beyond this, they facilitate esterification, transesterification, ... -
Molecular engineering on tyrian puprle natural dye as TiO2 based fined tuned photovoltaic dye material: DFT molecular analysis
(2024)In this research, molecular modification is employed to see the enhancement in the efficiency of Tyrian Purple (TP), a natural dye, for organic photovoltaic materials. By using Density Functional Theory (DFT) based molecular ... -
Monte Carlo simulation of liver dosimetry with yttrium-90 radionuclide using gate: 3D phantom
(Pleiades Publishing, 2024)Abstract: This study is aimed to validate 90Y dosimetry with MC simulation by comparing the TLD measurements results obtained in 3D liqid phantom (LP) and its monte carlo (MC) simulation. In the first step, tumor imitation ... -
Multi-modal Battle Royale optimizer
(Springer, 2024)Multimodal optimization poses a challenging problem in the field of optimization as it entails the discovery of multiple local and global optima, unlike unimodal optimization, which seeks a single global solution. In recent ... -
Mütareke döneminde “milliyet” ve “anâsır” kavramı üzerine tartışmalar
(2018)Osmanlı Devleti, 19. Yüzyılın başından itibaren Fransız İhtilali’nin doğurduğu ulusçuluk akımının etkisinde kalmış bunun sonucunda bağımsız devletlerin kuruluşuna sahne olmuştur. “Ulus Çağının” ruhuna uymayan imparatorluk ... -
Nasal sprays containing mometasone furoate can be used prophylactically in COVID-19 infection and related smell disorders
(Marmara Üniversitesi, 2023)Objective: We aimed to emphasize the possible beneficial effects of intranasal sprays containing mometasone furoate, especially for preventive treatment or supportive treatment in patients with olfactory disorders due to ... -
Neuroprotective effects of wharton jelly stem cell-derived exosomes developed as nano-drug delivery system in 6-OHDA-induced neurotoxicity in 2D and 3D neuronal cell line
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023)Purpose: The underlying mechanism of today’s neurodegenerative diseases is disordered due to neuronal damage and very limited neuronal regeneration. Formulations that can be developed against the factors that cause damage ... -
Novel pull–push organic switches with D–?–A structural designs: computational design of star shape organic materials
(Springer, 2022)The structural alteration with π-linkers was used to design a donor–acceptor type series of 2,2′-(pyrimidine-4,6-diyl)bis(2,3-dihydro-1,3-benzothiazole) (PB)-based chromophores (AH1–AH7) to exploit the adjustments in their ... -
Okul öncesi eğitim öğretmenlerinin empatik eğilimleri ile iletişim becerileri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
(2017)Bu araştırmanın genel amacı, okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin empatik eğilimleri ile iletişim becerileri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Bunun yanında araştırmada, okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin empatik eğilimleri ve iletişim ... -
On the quest for solar energy harvesters and nonlinear optics: a DFT exploration of A-D-D-A framework with varying sp2 hybridization
(Springer, 2025)In response to address the constraints of fullerene analogues, scientists are constantly working on developing low-cost fullerene-free functionalization for nanoscale organic photovoltaics. During the present study, the ... -
One step synthesis of tryptophan-isatin carbon nano dots and bio-applications as multifunctional nanoplatforms
(2025)The development of natural molecule-derived carbon nano dots (CNDs) marks a significant advancement in biocompatible and sustainable nanomaterials. Tryptophan, capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier (BBB), serves as ... -
One-step conjugation of glycylglycine with [F-18]FDG and a pilot PET imaging study
(Springer, 2018)This study describes a single step conjugation of Glycylglycine (GlyGly) which is a small peptide, with [F-18]FDG via oxime formation. Amiooxy-functionalization of GlyGly (AO-GlyGly) was accomplished through the reaction ... -
Oral cavity beta-defensin levels are regulated differently during radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients
(MDPI, 2023)Background: Human beta-defensins (hBDs) are small cationic peptides of the epithelium with broad antimicrobial and immune response-regulatory activities. hBDs are also related to oncogenesis, and their secretion profiles ... -
Oral cavity calprotectin and lactoferrin levels in relation to radiotherapy
(2022)Background: Lactoferrin, an iron-binding glycoprotein, and calprotectin, a calcium binding protein, are sensitive markers of inflammation and their fecal levels increase during radiotherapy of prostate cancer patients. ...