Altinbas University Institutional Repository için istatistikler

Toplam ziyaret

Zenofobi ile zorbalık arasındaki ilişki: Üniversite örneklemi 28
Pandeminin tekstil perakendeciliği üzerine etkileri ve e-ticarete yönelim 20
A new computer vision application based on deep learning technique for brain MRI recognition 16
Effective expressions for the estimation of the first and third natural periods of minarets based on extensive and comprehensive parametric modal analyses 15
Mathematical modeling and characteristics analysis of ultra-wideband ın vivo radio channel 12
Designing insistence-aware medium access control protocol and energy conscious routing protocol in a quality-of-service guaranteed wireless body area network 11
A fast and efficient machine learning assisted prediction of urea and its derivatives to screen crystal propensity with experimental validation 11
Enhancing the application of sustainable energy in Iraq by designing of pump storage hydropower network 11
Glaucoma disease detection using image processing and machine learning approach 9